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halaMaN bLoG

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dr Sheikh Muszaphar & dr Halina selamat diijabkabul..

Astronaut Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha secure binding commitments by Dr Halina Mohd Yunos (29 years) at Hotel Allson Kelana on 1 January 2010, Friday.

The ceremony took place at 4 pm is a simple but lively place, attended by about 200 invited guests comprising family members, relatives, close friends and media representatives.
Dr Halina, 29, whose identity is now working as a NSW medical anesthesia Hospital Selayang, near here.
Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, 37, wearing a neat shirt and gray bersongkok Malay bersamping pink and accompanied by his father, Datuk Sheikh Mustapha Sheikh Shukor and Datin Zuraidah Sheikh Ahmad mother.

While Dr. Halina,, 29 which looks cute wearing a pink baju kurung modern father accompanied her Yunos Mohd Mohd Ali and his mother Habibah Endan.
Dr Halina received seven trays of the delivery and answered with the delivery of five trays.
Zuraidah and strengthen the engagement ring finger Dr. Halina before Habibah also strengthen the finger of Dr Sheikh Muszaphar.

The couple chose the date of October 10, 2010 for their third wedding anniversary when Dr Sheikh Muszaphar to space up the Soyuz TMA-11 launched to the International Space Station (ISS) on October 10, 2007.

Dr Muszaphar, 37, pleaded not wait to go through a new lagipengalaman girls together and get a blessing keluargakedua side.

In a press conference, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar to recognize Dr. Halina last eight years, said: ". I was dreaming of a long standing relationship merealitikan happy to official relations"

Asked about the number of sending money to be given to candidates of his wife, he said: "let the secret", adding that the marriage has not been determined but it sure would be held in Kuala Lumpur.
Dr Halina also acknowledges the attention will not mind sharing her husband with the people of Pakistan.

LoVe sOmeOne :D

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